Dracaena compacta

Dracaena compacta

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shoot shoot the chips got IE and got suck suck and leave on the soil to the root and the bud of a plant and be perfect, just know I m on the drag culture environment is wet or in the patio or glkhoneh let me up wet man root environment help earlier!


How to put to sleep and chips


when you see the tip of the leaves are the rapid part must be black, black with scissors and just a millimeter of blackness stay that does not progress.Then, pour the lemon juice or water هیومیک acid to destroy the black face of the solute and the tip of it more.The leaves yellow and dry to do so from the bottom of the appearance of beauty.Meanwhile, when the flowers growing from the bottom you have the true golsh and don't let give flowers because they undermine the leaves and is therefore less plant growth.