
Light: Resistant to shading, keep the plant out of direct sunlight. Lack of light causes the leaves to grow green, and in the pink form, the leaf becomes less dull.

Temperature: At least 15 ° C in winter and 21 ° in summer, the pink species loves cool air and placing this flower on a bright staircase will improve its color.

Irrigation: Between two soil irrigation dry, it is once resistant once a week. Water irrigated with water once a week in the winter. Irrigation is too harmful for the plant. It is best to irrigate the cooled kettle so that the edges of the leaves are not brown.

Moisture: Daily dusting, adding water to a submerged water with a water-free pebble to create a lasting moisture. Although normal humidity is enough for this flower.

Nutrition: Once in spring and summer, plant the plant with special fertilizers according to artificial recipe. Half the recommended amount is enough.

Suitable soil: A mixture of pitted and compost, a pink species loves acid soil, and the addition of tea and humic acid improves its color.

Changing the pot: Every two years in the spring, if the pot becomes heavy and it is impossible to replace it, replace the soil with new soils.

Cleaning the leaves: Dusting to clean the leaves is sufficient, if necessary, use soft cloth or wet sponge. Do not use glossy materials.

Duplicate: capture stem cuttings including roots in the summer.

Complications and treatment:

The leaves are yellow and their underlying surface is full of spider web: the agent is a red-thrush attack, although spraying is curable, but it is suggested that it is susceptible to dust spraying and leaf scrubbing.

The stalks are long and distant, and the distance between the two leaves is high: light is low, bring the plant to a bright place, take care of direct sunlight.

The leaves are brown in color and fragile: the air is warm and dry, transfer the plant to a cooler place. Increase irrigation frequency. Dusting will increase the moisture content, remove dry leaves.

The leaves of the leaves are brown in color, withered and tubular, and the stem ends are rotting and the plant is generally falling: it may be contradictory, if the plant is thirsty to irrigate immediately, or it may, on the contrary, be irrigated Too much. Let the soil surface dry, then irrigate, visit the drain, if the air is cold, transfer the plant to a warmer place.

The leaves are pale: either light is high or need artificial feeding, move the plant to a spot with indirect light, and if the leaves remain small, feed the plant according to the plant's order.

The leaves are pale and clear: they require artificial feeding, half the recommended amount by the manufacturer of the fertilizer is suggested.

The beautiful shape of the Singingon leaves with their bright green color makes them planting in groups with other plants such as the Singingonium pink hybrid species, with distinctly shaped leaves and hanging baskets.